Undergraduate Programme

College of Basic and Applied Sciences

Industrial Chemistry Department

College Overview
Admission Requirements
Degree Details


The Department is of two options, B.Sc. Industrial Chemistry and B.Sc. Biochemistry, housed under the College of Basic and Applied Sciences.

The Department is committed to producing graduates who are highly competent and with various specializations that enable them to fit into the demand of the 21st century society and economy. In achieving this, the students are trained to be grounded in the principles of scientific methods controlling the rate and effectiveness of chemical reactions connected to several industrial processes.

Members of academic staff are appointed as advisers for each course level and for the student association. In pursuit of academic standards, courses stipulated by the NUC are taught and the students of the Department are encouraged to undertake tours to different Industries, private and Government establishment that are relevant to the learning and practice of Industrial Chemistry, when they embark on Industrial Training (IT) after first semester 300 level.

This IT training is for a period of six (6) months. The Industrial Training programme is carefully designed to help the students build on areas of interest and expand his or her practical skills, with a view to encouraging self-development.

In first semester of 400 level, they are engaged in seminar presentation in areas of current trends and advances in Industrial Chemistry. In the second semester of 400 level, the students undertake a practical research project, which are done and reported under the supervision of lecturers. The projects are defended and assessed by an external examiner.


The training in Industrial Chemistry is designed to encompass an appreciation of the centrality of chemical sciences in the entire undergraduate curricula. Industrial Chemistry is the index of industrial development world-wide. The frontiers of Chemistry are very large ranging from one extreme of natural products to those synthesized by man. Chemistry rules the world, consequently this programme is aimed at inculcating in our students the need to rule the world through the training at their disposal as industrial chemists in view of the transformation of available raw materials in the immediate environment now and the future.

The vision of the Department is to equip its graduates with the theoretical and entrepreneurship training needed to fulfill our transformation agenda of being the powerhouse of not only the West African sub region, but Africa and the world at large.


a) To provide students with thorough grounding in principles and sound knowledge of scientific methods of chemical sciences.
b) Arouse a sense of curiosity and enquiring mind, in order to encourage and develop creative thinking and research aptitudes.
c) Generate in students an awareness of the enormous in their immediate environment so as to enhance solutions to the challenges of our time in a march towards nation building.
d) To educate and train chemists, to further appreciate the fundamental of chemical sciences in and its application in transformation of raw materials, natural and synthetic.
e) Inculcate in students appropriate skills and abilities to manage and administer technological operations with field of chemistry and allied area and
f) To prepare the students for professional participation in chemical industries.

  1. O' Level Subject
    Candidates should possess the G.C.E. “O” level with passes at credit level in at least five subjects which should include: English Language, Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, and Biology.
    UTME Entrance Requirements: The UTME subjects for candidates seeking Admission into the Degree programmes include English Language, Biology, Chemistry, Physics or Mathematics.

    Direct Entry Requirements: The 3 year degree programme is for direct entry candidates who must possess “O” level credits in Mathematics, and English Language plus at least 2 “A” level HSC passes in the relevant science subjects including Chemistry, Biology, and one other subject.

Duration of The BSc Industrial Chemistry Programme

Graduation Equirements

The B.Sc. Industrial Chemistry programme is a 4-year standard programme for students with S.S.C.E. Certificate, G.C.E.’O’ Level or their equivalents. However; Direct Entry candidates will be permitted to join in year two of the programme.

At the end of every session, a summary of students results is prepared, level by level reflecting units taken during the session, the units passed during the session, the sessional GPA, the courses failed for the session, the cumulative units taken, the cumulative units passed, the CGPA and the remarks of proceeding or probation or withdrawal from the (degree) programme as the case may be. At the end of the degree programme, students results are prepared reflecting details of the sessions performance, including the list of courses failed for the session as well as the cumulative performance including the degree classification (where applicable). Both the sessional GPA and CGPA are calculated using the weighted grade point. Thus the sessional GPA is calculated from the formula: according to the following scheme:

Classification of Degree

The Degree Classification for under-graduate law programme shall be as contained in the table below:

Degree Class CGPA
First class 4.50-5.00
Second class (upper) 3.50-4.49
Second class (lower) 2.40-3.49
Third class 1.50-2.39
Fail Less than 1.50

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