Professor Samson Adetunji Fatokun is a Nigerian Professor of Church History, Doctrinal Theology, and Pentecostal Studies with the Department of Religious Studies, Faculty of Arts, University of Ibadan,where he served as the Head of Department. He was also the Pioneer Dean, School of Postgraduate Studies, Glorious Vision University, Ogwa.
Professor S.A. Fatokun was born in January 25, 1970 and graduated with a First Class Degree in Religious Studies from Obafemi Awolowo University, Ile-Ife, in 1994.He had his M.A. (1997) and PhD (2005) respectively from the Department of Religious Studies, University of Ibadan. He was first appointed as a young lecturer in 1994, after fourteen years of unwavering commitment to teaching and research, Dr. Fatokun was promoted to the rank of a full Professor by the Management of the University of Ibadan, Nigeria.
Professor Fatokun has received many awards including Faculty of Arts Prize for the Best Over-all Performance in Final B.A. Examination at Obafemi Awolowo University, Ile-Ife in 2011; Scottish Executive Fellowship, Centre of African Studies, University of Edinburgh, Scotland, United Kingdom in 2007 and many other awards.He is a Foundation Fellow and National Executive President Nigerian Academy of Church History and Missiological Studies (FFNACHAMS). He is also a Foundation Fellow of Nigerian Assocation of Pastoral Consellors (FNAPC).
Professor Fatokun is a member of several academic bodies (Learned Societies) including: African Theological Fellowship (A.T.F.); African Association for the Study of Religions (AASR); American Studies Association of Nigeria (ASAN); National Association for the Study of Religions and Education (NASRED); Ecumenical Association of Third World Theologians, (EATWOT); International Association for Mission Studies (IAMS); American Society of Church History (ASCH), U.S.A.; American Sociological Association, U.S.A ; Association for the Sociology of Religion (ASR); British Sociological Association (Sociology of Religion Study Group) (SOCREEL), U.K.; Society for Pentecostal Studies (S.P.S.), U.S.A and , Evangelical Theological Society (ETS), U.S.A. Yale-Edinburg Study Group on World Christianity and History of Missions, Besides, he is the Pioneer National President, Nigerian Association of Church History and Missiological Studies (NACHAMS). He is also the Foundation National President, Nigerian Assocation of Pastoral Counsellors (NAPCOUN), with headquarters at Lead City University.
Expectedly, Prof Fatokun has equally examined over two hundred Master Degree Theses and seventy Doctoral Dissertations. As an astute Professor, he has conducted over twenty professorial assessments. Currently with 200 academic publications of 16 Books, 8 Edited Books, 130 Chapters in Books, 45 Articles in Learned Journals, and 1 Book Review, to his credit. He was the Editor-In- Chief, ORITA – IBADAN JOURNAL OF RELIGIOUS STUDIES, August 2019 – July 2021. He is currently the Editor-in-Chief of NJOCHAM – NIGERIAN JOURNAL OF CHURCH HISTORY AND MISSIOLOGICAL STUDIES, University of Ibadan.
Pastor S. A. Fatokun has been in the service of God as a District Pastor in The Apostolic Church Nigeria (TACN) as well as the Director, TACN DIRECTORATE OF ARCHIVES, RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT (DARD).. He is married and blessed with many children.
Professor Peter Akinsola Okebukola OFR
Pro-Chancellor & Chairman
Pastor (Dr.) L. O Oladele
Dr. Elder Kehinde Abiola
Deaconess Victoria Bola Ihesiulor
Elder S.E Umoh
Barrister Z.T Kantoma
In attendance
Professor Ezekiel S. Asemah
Ag. VC ( In attendance)
Pastor Dr. M.O. Oyewole, Filcan